Cosmetic urological procedures in Tenerife

The presence of certain alterations considered as variants within normality (pearly papules, sebaceous hyperplasia), as pathological (angiokeratomas, angiomas, fibroids, genital warts, molluscum contagiosum), alter the normal appearance of the genitals. The cosmetic procedures are focused on improving the external appearance, including in this section the treatment of those situations that require treatment by pathology. For the treatment of these dermopathies we do it by means of topical application of anesthesia using either the Photovaporization with Laser diode or cryotherapy with liquid Nitrogen.

Pearly papules

Pearly papules

They are often seen in uncircumcised patients. They are ordered by hypertrophy of the preputial balano sulcus glands. Apart from the external appearance, sometimes cause episodes of inflammation.


Angiokeratomas or angiomas

Appearance of small papules 2-5 mm in scrotum, ruby, blue or purple. They have a tendency to bleed from small traumas.


Condylomas (genital warts)

Exophytic formations with an afrabose appearance caused by the human papillomavirus (serotypes 6 and 11 mainly).

Moluscum contagiosum

Moluscum contagiosum

Multiple lesions, rounded, umbilicated in the central region caused by poxviruses. They usually remit spontaneously.